4-Layer Pyramid Tower


It’s like a Jing Pyraminx but with another layer! Overall, a high quality puzzle and a fun puzzle to solve.

By the way…Each order comes with a free Puzzlcrate sticker and puzzle description card!

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This puzzle is the result of adding another layer to Jing Pyraminx. ShengShou released this 4-Layer Pyramid in late 2021 and the quality is excellent. Even-layered puzzles are often more difficult to produce due to the complexity of the inner mechanism. That being said, this puzzle turns well and the colors are very vibrant. You should be able to solve this puzzle if you can solve the Jing Pyraminx. However, it’s a bit trickier since there are no center pieces to let you know which color goes on each side and you need to pair up the edges. It’s based on a Skewb so being able to solve one of those really helps. The 4-Layer Pyramid is a fun challenge for any skill level!